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How to make payment from PhonePe,Gpay without internet?

How to make payment from PhonePe,Gpay without internet?

Hello friends today's article is going to very informative for you because in this article we will discussing about how to do payment without internet from Phonepe, Google Pay and Paytm. So if you also want to do payment without internet from these applications then read this article carefully from starting to end because we will give you all the information about that in details so let's know about it.

As we all know that in today's present era, the use of internet is increasing day by day and in the last few years, the service of digital payment has also increased a lot. Who does not know about the corona virus, since this virus has come, no one wants to make cash payment, everyone wants to make digital payment i.e. online and be safe For this reason digital payment is being encouraged, but sometimes it happens that we go to do online transactions and the internet service suddenly ends or the network does not come, then what to do in such a situation. So there is no need to worry at all because today we will give you information related to this, how you can make UPI payment without internet.

If we talk about UPI Best Payment Services, first of all the name of Paytm comes on the phone on Google and 10 days a day has increased a lot and everyone knows about them very well. So today we will talk about how you can do UPI payment without internet, so let's know about the methods.

How to do Payment without Internet?

If you want to make online payment without internet, then you have to use *99# in your phone, this service is also called USSD service. By using this service, you can easily access all the UPI services, for your information, let us tell you that those who are using the smartphone those people can take advantage of this service when the internet is not working in their phone. So let's know how to use it.

  1. First of all call *99# in your phone by typing this.
  2. Now you will receive a message in the popup menu, out of which you will get to see the option not together, you have to type on number one in it and click on the option of send money.
  3. Enter the number to whomever you want to send money and select the option of send money.
  4. Now enter the amount, how much money you want to send and click on send money.
  5. Now you will get a popup in which you have to tell the reason for making your payment, why are you making the payment, type it and enter.
  6. After that your payment will be successful.

You were this very easy way to make payment without internet through UPI if you are also not able to use internet due to any reason or your internet is not working then you can adopt our methods.

Some things you need to keep in mind when you are paying without Internet

If you are making UPI payment without internet then one thing should always be kept in mind that your number should be registered with UPI and the same number should be linked to your bank account. Now the second thing comes that you have to use *99# service from the same number or you have to call from the same number. Third and last thing, if you use all the services, then after making the payment, you will be charged 0.50₹.

Hope now you know how to make payment without internet. If you liked the information given by our today's article, then definitely share it further and tell us by commenting in the comment box below.

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